
Immunity Pack (I-Pack)

Support your body’s natural defenses with the Immunity Pack - a set of supplements and vitamins that can help increase your resistance to environmental factors, promote tissue regeneration, and maintain skin and mucous membrane health.

Benefits of Immunity Pack:

  • Supports the body’s natural defenses
  • Boosts resistance to environmental factors
  • Promotes tissue regeneration
  • Maintains skin and mucous membrane health


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Immunity, derived from the Latin word "immunitas," meaning release or exemption, is the body’s innate defense mechanism against external and internal biologically active agents known as antigens. The primary objective of immunity is to uphold the stability of the body’s internal environment, known as homeostasis. Antigens encompass a broad spectrum of substances foreign to the body, including debris from disease-causing microorganisms, toxins from plants and animals, dead or degenerated cells, and other foreign substances.

The immune system operates as a sophisticated biological network tasked with safeguarding organisms from diseases by detecting and responding to various pathogens, cancer cells, and foreign bodies while discerning them from healthy tissue. It comprises two primary subsystems:

  • The innate immune system provides a generalized response to a wide array of threats. This inherent capability enables the immune system to promptly confront diverse high-risk factors. (However, the question arises: why does the immune system weaken over time, compromising its innate abilities?)
  • The adaptive immune system furnishes tailored protection by recognizing previously encountered molecules. (In essence, a robust immune system possesses the capacity to independently encounter and combat various viruses and bacteria, without reliance on antibiotics or synthetic chemicals, thereby enabling self-learning of adaptive reactions)

Here are some signs that your immune system may be struggling:

  • Your Stress Level is Sky-High: Long-term stress weakens the responses of your immune system by decreasing the body’s lymphocytes, white blood cells that help fight off infection.
  • You Always Have a Cold: Constantly catching colds or having a cold that won’t go away may indicate that your immune system is struggling to keep up.
  • You Have Lots of Tummy Troubles: Frequent diarrhea, gas, or constipation could signal a compromised immune system, as nearly 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract.
  • Your Wounds Are Slow to Heal: Slow wound healing may occur if your immune system is sluggish, as healthy immune cells are necessary for the regeneration of new skin.
  • You Have Frequent Infections: Battling frequent infections, such as ear infections, pneumonia, sinusitis, or needing multiple courses of antibiotics per year, could indicate an immune deficiency.
  • You Feel Tired All the Time: Persistent fatigue, even with adequate sleep, may suggest that your immune system is working overtime to fight off germs.

Extended information about Immune System:

Aticle:Unlocking the Power of the Immune Systemt
To support your immune system, consider adopting the following lifestyle changes and habits:
  • A balanced diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide essential nutrients for immune function.
  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to repair and regenerate.
  • Exercise regularly: Engage in moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, to boost immune function and reduce stress.
  • Wash your hands: Practice good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of germs and infections.
  • Keep up with your nutrients and good food: by staying informed about recommended diets and the latest scientific discoveries in the world of nutrients.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity can weaken the immune system, so strive for a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
  • Don’t smoke: Smoking can impair immune function, so avoid tobacco products.
  • Minimize stress: Practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to support immune health.

By taking proactive steps to support your immune system, you can help protect yourself against infections and maintain overall good healt

Pure C

Experience the full benefits of vitamin C with PUREWAY-C™, a highly effective and safe form. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions: it boosts your immune system and aids in collagen production supporting the health of your skin, blood vessels, cartilage, bones, teeth, and gums. As a powerful antioxidant, it shields cells from environmental harm. It combats fatigue, reduces tiredness, and keeps your energy levels up.

D-Spray 2000

D Spry

This high-dose vitamin D3 comes in a convenient and easy-to-use spray bottle, with each spray delivering 50 µg/2000 IU of vitamin D3.

Strengthening the immune system
Formation of bone skeleton and teeth
Treatment of asthma, multiple sclerosis, and obesity
Absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus
Acceleration of metabolism
Maintenance of nervous, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems
Improvement of mood, memory, and brain function


Shark Liver Oil

This completely natural product serves as a source of valuable natural substances, including squalene and alkyl glycerides. Squalene boasts antioxidant and antihypoxic properties, aiding in the healing of skin and mucous membrane damage. Meanwhile, alkylglycerides enhance the body’s resistance to various diseases by speeding up the production of immune cells responsible for combating pathogens.

Exhibits anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, and antioxidant effects
Historically used to treat immunodeficiency, infectious diseases, allergies, stress, wounds, and sores
Aids recovery after illness or stress
Prevents adverse effects of living in a polluted environment
Increases immune system resilience
Reduces total cholesterol levels
Prevents allergies and vision deterioration

Coral Mine

The mineral composition of relic corals includes salts of beneficial macro- and microelements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and others. When these relic corals interact with water, the minerals from these salts dissolve into the water, positively impacting its physiological benefits and sensory properties.
Optimal pH Level
Regulation of Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Prevention of Osteoporosis and Arthritis
Enhanced Muscle Elasticity and Bone Structure
Regulation of Kidneys and Digestive System
Improved Blood and Lymph Quality
Skin Condition Improvement


Pau D Arco Selenium

The bark of the ant tree contains valuable substances called naphthoquinones, including lapachol, beta-lapachol, and xylodin. These compounds activate various types of immune cells and disrupt the functioning of pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally, the trace element selenium regulates the number of immune system cells, supporting both innate and acquired immunity. The synergistic complex of selenium with vitamin C further strengthens the immune system and helps alleviate conditions associated with inflammatory diseases.

Boosts immunity.
Has Antioxidant Properties
Selenium and Vitamin C help to increase the body’s resistance to negative factors
Pure*C (500 mg),
Liposomal Vitamin D3 (1 package, 60 ml),
Pau D’Arco with selenium (1 package, 90 capsules),
Shark Liver Oil (1 package, 60 capsules),
Coral-Mine (3 packages, 30 sachets each).

Before use, read the instructions inside the package. Duration of use is 30 days.
Please consult a doctor if pregnant or breastfeeding and consider any allergies to ingredients.

Dietary supplements should not replace a complete meal.