

The newest way to support digestion and immunity - metabiotics from Coral Club in the form of single portion sticks. A new generation product for fast and effective support of microflora.


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The newest way to support digestion and immunity - metabiotics from Coral Club in the form of single portion sticks. A new generation product for fast and effective support of microflora.

  • activates healthy intestinal microflora,
  • starts to work immediately upon ingestion*,
  • helps normalize digestion and stool,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • can be taken together with antibiotics,
  • offered in liquid form to enhance bioavailability.


Metastick is based on natural ingredients developed at TCI’s innovative manufacturing facility, one of the technological leaders in the health food industry:

Active Lactobacillus plantarus metabolites from orange peel and Korean kimchi
Biologically active metabolic products (metabolites) of beneficial lactobacilli. These substances maintain normal intestinal microflora, normalize stools, reduce discomfort in the digestive tract and flatulence. An important advantage of metabiotics is their resistance to antibiotics and thermostability.


Banana pulp extract

Has a prebiotic effect due to its content of fructooligosaccharides and soluble fiber, which serve as food for the intestine-native healthy microflora.


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is important for normal liver function, absorption of vitamin B12, regulation of digestive enzymes, and is necessary for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Intestinal microflora disorder often leads to a lack of vitamin B6, because food absorption and endogenous synthesis occurs in intestines.


* after entering the intestines.

Adults: take 1-2 single portion sticks a day immediately before meals. Mix the contents of one stick in half a cup (100 ml) of water or juice. Continue for 15 days. If necessary, this course can be repeated.