
Shiatsu (指圧) and Coral Club Health Concept Connection

Doctor Coral Health Group Research on the Connection of Shiatsu (指圧) with Coral Club Health Concept

In a world marked by the frenetic pace of modern life and the ever-increasing reliance on pharmaceutical interventions, the ancient art of Shiatsu emerges as a beacon of holistic healing. Rooted in Japanese philosophy and traditional medicine, Shiatsu offers not just a physical massage technique but a profound philosophy of health and wellness. This article delves deep into the philosophical underpinnings of Shiatsu, exploring its connection with internal balance, nutrients, and the profound concept of self-healing. Drawing on ancient wisdom, consultations with specialists, and insights from contemporary research, we uncover the transformative power of Shiatsu in restoring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.

restoring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit

Shiatsu: A Journey of Self-Healing

At its core, Shiatsu embodies the idea of self-healing—a belief that each individual possesses the innate capacity to restore balance and well-being within themselves. In the traditional Japanese understanding, illness is neither inherently good nor bad; rather, it serves as a warning sign from the universesignaling disharmony and imbalance in our lives. This perspective invites us to view illness not as a mere affliction to be eradicated but as a profound opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

Central to the philosophy of Shiatsu is the recognition of the interconnectedness of mind and body. Just as the surface of a lake reflects the sky above, our physical health often mirrors the state of our mental and emotional well-being. By addressing imbalances at the root level, Shiatsu empowers individuals to become their own healers, tapping into the body’s natural capacity for self-regulation and healing.

The Role of Nutrients and Internal Balance

In the intricate tapestry of health and wellness, the concept of "Ki-ketsu-ei-ei" holds a central place. This Japanese formula underscores the importance of vital energy (Ki)good quality blood (Ketsu)and a healthy metabolism and nutrient absorption (Ei-Ei) in maintaining optimal health. As the saying goes, "Nutrients will come from good food; further, from good food comes pure blood, and Ki—life energy—can only flow through good quality blood."

However, in today’s modern world, characterized by processed foods and nutrient-poor diets, achieving and maintaining internal balance can be a formidable challenge. The quality of our past diet, physical activity levels, mental habits, and overall outlook on life have collectively shaped our current state of health. Today’s food choices, therefore, play a crucial role in determining our future well-being—an essential reminder of the profound connection between diet and health.

Cleansing and Stabilization: The Role of Coral Club

Recognizing the importance of cleansing the body and nourishing it with essential nutrients, Coral Club offers a range of natural supplements and cleansing programs (Coral DetoxGo DetoxParashieldCoral MineH-500Mind Set, Vitamin c, Vitamin dGriffonia, Magnesium), designed to support holistic health and wellness. These programs are meticulously crafted to promote blood purity, stabilize the nervous system, and optimize overall well-being.

By incorporating Coral Club’s nutritional supplements into our daily regimen, we can bolster our body’s innate healing mechanisms, fortifying it against the stresses and toxins of modern life. Whether through gentle detoxification protocols or targeted nutritional support, Coral Club empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards reclaiming their health and vitality.


In conclusion, Shiatsu emerges as a profound pathway to holistic health and healing, offering a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-healing. By embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and honoring the wisdom of traditional Japanese medicine, Shiatsu invites us to embark on a journey of profound transformation—a journey towards wholeness and well-being. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the ancient wisdom of Shiatsu and Health Concept of Coral Club serves as a guiding lightreminding us of the inherent power within each of us to cultivate health, balance, and harmony in our lives.



"Shiatsu Theory and Practice: A Comprehensive Text for the Student and Professional" by Carola Beresford-Cooke - This book delves into the theory and practical application of Shiatsu, covering topics such as meridians, energy flow, and therapeutic techniques.

Online Articles:
Kampo Therapies and the Use of Herbal Medicines in the Dentistry in Japan

These resources should provide a comprehensive understanding of Shiatsu, its principles, techniques, and applications in promoting health and wellness.

(writen by Ruta Kalnina)

Ruta Kalnina

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