
Premium Plankton Oil (60 capsules)

Premium Plankton Oil was created for the following benefits:

  • Protects cells from oxidative stress
  • Source of unique omega-3 from Arctic zooplankton
  • Slow-digesting fats reach lower intestine for normal metabolism support
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • Reduces glucose levels
  • Reduces arterial blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension
  • Reduces the risk of obesity and accumulation of visceral fat
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels
  • Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis


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Over time, the conditions of human life, dietary habits, and energy expenditure have undergone significant changes.

Looking back hundreds of years, humans experienced:

  • Seasonal diet depending on what was readily available
  • Limited access to meat for many people
  • Regularly demanding physical work
  • Hard living conditions
  • Complete lack of modern technology

These harsh and unpredictable living conditions necessitated the human body to learn to accumulate, conserve, and utilize energy wisely.

Today, in contrast:

  • There is a variety of food products available all year round
  • Meat is easily accessible to all segments of society
  • There has been a significant reduction in heavy physical work
  • There is improved comfort in living conditions
  • There is an abundance of technology serving human needs

This modern era provides a plethora of choices and options, including those that require minimal energy expenditure, reshaping how our bodies manage nutrition and well-being.

The result is predictable:

it is no surprise that the human body, still adhering to age-old practices, continues to accumulate and store energy, now without the same level of expenditure as before.

This imbalance can lead to the body becoming an "early storage center," promoting the emergence of metabolic syndrome in the modern comfort context.


Metabolic Syndrome

This ter refers to a cluster of conditions, including increased abdominal fat, elevated blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels, which collectively increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Signs and risks associated with metabolic syndrome include:

  • Elevated glucose levels  ➡️ increasing the risk of diabetes development

  • High blood pressure ➡️leading to the risk of hypertension

  • Accumulation of visceral (abdominal) fat ➡️ increasing the risk of obesity

  • Abnormal cholesterol levels ➡️ contributing to atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

By the year 2022, up to 31.4% of the population is expected to exhibit signs of metabolic syndrome.

Preventing metabolic syndrome is achievable through various lifestyle changes and healthy habits. Essential steps to prevent metabolic syndrome include:

  • Eating a balanced diet with limited sugar intake and increased consumption of complex carbohydrates.
  • Engaging in consistent physical exercise to maintain a healthy weight and improve metabolic function.
  • Practicing effective stress management techniques to reduce stress levels, which can contribute to metabolic imbalances.
  • Following a consistent sleep routine to ensure adequate rest and promote overall well-being.
  • Avoiding harmful behaviors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Additionally, staying updated with scientific research is crucial as ongoing studies reveal innovative strategies for maintaining health and promoting longevity. Incorporating evidence-based recommendations into daily life can further support efforts to prevent metabolic syndrome and lead to a vibrant and extended life.

What makes Calanus particularly remarkable is its unique ability to accumulate energy in the form of wax esters, providing a rich source of nutrition for various marine organisms.

Calanus, specifically (Calanus finmarchicus), is a type of zooplankton that thrives in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic. Despite its diminutive size, this tiny creature plays a vital role in marine ecosystems, serving as a crucial link in the food chain. What makes Calanus particularly remarkable is its unique ability to accumulate energy in the form of wax esters, providing a rich source of nutrition for various marine organisms.

Zooplankton, including Calanus, comprises the animal component of plankton, drifting along with ocean currents. The name "zooplankton" originates from the Greek words "zoon" meaning "animal" and "planktos" meaning "wanderer," reflecting these organisms’ inability to swim against the currents. Zooplankton sustains itself by feeding on algae, bacteria, and other microscopic organisms, making it a vital food source for a wide range of marine life, from fish to whales.

Unlike other forms of omega-3 found in fish and krill oil, the fats in Calanus Oil are present in a unique form of wax esters.

Calanus Oil, derived from Calanus finmarchicus, is a natural product rich in unsaturated fats, primarily omega-3, and the carotenoid astaxanthin. Unlike other forms of omega-3 found in fish and krill oil, the fats in Calanus Oil are present in a unique form of wax esters. This distinctive composition allows for slow digestion, enabling the oil to reach the lower parts of the intestine, where it can positively influence metabolism.

The harvesting of Calanus is conducted in an environmentally friendly manner, with no harm to the population or marine environment. The oil production process is chemical-free, ensuring the purity and integrity of the final product.

One notable component of Calanus Oil is astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant known for its ability to protect cells from oxidative stress. This antioxidant property, coupled with the unique composition of Calanus Oil, makes it a valuable dietary supplement with potential benefits for metabolic health.

One notable component of Calanus Oil is astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant known for its ability to protect cells from oxidative stress.

The lipid composition of Calanus Oil, with approximately 90% wax esters, is associated with the potential prevention of metabolic syndrome. Wax esters have a tendency to migrate to the lower regions of the intestine due to their gradual digestion.

Upon reaching these regions, they interact with receptors essential for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Here is the detailed breakdown of the lipid composition of Calanus:

  • Approximately 90% consists of wax esters, comprising the bulk of this reservoir of nutrients.

  • Approximately 38% consists of policosanols, essential bioactive compounds.

  • Approximately 6.5% consists of other fats, including triglycerides and other lipids.

  • Approximately 0.2% consists of astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant giving Calanus oil its characteristic dark red color.

  • Approximately 15% consists of monounsaturated fatty acids.

  • Approximately 24% consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including:

    • Stearidonic acid (SDA)
    • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
    • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • Approximately 16% consists of saturated fatty acids.

Given the modern prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated health risks, it is crucial to take proactive measures to mitigate this threat.

Given the modern prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated health risks, it is crucial to take proactive measures to mitigate this threat. Premium Plankton Oil, derived from Calanus, represents an innovative solution to address this challenge. Produced with utmost care and purity, Calanus Oil offers a natural and sustainable source of essential nutrients for promoting overall health and well-being.

Premium Plankton Oil, derived from Calanus, represents an innovative solution to address this challenge.

In conclusion, Calanus Oil stands out as a unique and valuable dietary supplement, harnessing the nutritional benefits of Arctic zooplankton. With its rare composition and potential health benefits, it serves as a testament to the remarkable properties of marine life and the importance of sustainable resource management in safeguarding our health and the environment.

Each serving of 2 capsules contains:

  • Calanus oil (Calanus finmarchicus): 1000 mg
    • Including EPA and DHA omega-3: 185 mg
  • Astaxanthin: 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin E: 6.8 mg

This product is GMO-free and gluten-free. It is suitable for pescatarians.

Contains soy

Bovine gelatine capsules

Suitable for pescatarians
Adults should take one capsule twice a day with food. It’s important to note that this dietary supplement should not replace a complete meal.
Pregnant and nursing women should consult with their healthcare provider before use.

Calanus finmarchicus oil

efficacy approval based on the following studies:

Calanus finmarchicus oil has shown a beneficial effect on glucose metabolism and insulin resistance in obese patients after 12 weeks of use (Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition in Hanover, Germany).

Combining moderate physical activity with the intake of Calanus finmarchicus oil or a healthy diet for 12 weeks may promote fat mass reduction in older individuals with overweight (Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany).

Various lipid components of Calanus finmarchicus oil can collectively be used as dietary supplements to reduce obesity and associated metabolic disorders (Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany; Institute of Sports Science, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany).

The combination of Calanus finmarchicus oil intake and physical exercise for 4 months improved cardiorespiratory function in elderly women, associated with both central and peripheral cardiodynamic mechanisms (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic).

Adding Calanus finmarchicus oil to a high-fat mouse diet significantly reduced visceral and ectopic fat accumulation (fat located in places not consistent with their natural distribution, such as the liver, skeletal muscles, heart, and pancreas). A significant reduction in low-grade inflammation associated with obesity in adipose tissue was observed, along with increased glucose sensitivity (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway).

Including Calanus finmarchicus oil in the diet of mice with impaired lipid metabolism reduced the formation of atherosclerotic lesions, making it an effective and safe dietary regulator for reducing atherosclerosis development (University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway; Northern Norway University Hospital, Tromsø, Norway; Research-based Innovation Center for Marine Bioactive Substances and Drugs Discovery, Tromsø, Norway).


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