
Colds and Viruses: 5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid

(writen by Ruta Kalnina)

1. Mistake: Delaying Action at the First Signs of a Cold
The first hint of a cold often comes in subtle waves: a chill in the air, a slight fatigue that tugs at your energy, the tickle of a sore throat, or the onset of sneezing and headache. These symptoms may seem mild, but beneath them, viral and bacterial growth is rapidly accelerating. By hesitating to act swiftly, we miss the pivotal moment when the infection could be nipped in the bud, allowing it to spread more extensively throughout the body.

  • Solution: The key to halting the spread of the virus lies in immediately fortifying your immune system and blocking the pathogen’s progression. Start by drinking up to 3 liters of hot, alkaline water daily, enriched with powerful antioxidants like Microhydrin or H-500, or the mineral-rich Coral Mine composition. Complement this with hot tea laced with lemon, alongside a regimen of essential vitamins and minerals found in supplements such as Ultimate, Koral Chlorella, or Colostrum. Herbal aids like Black Walnut Leaves and Garlic further bolster your body’s defenses.

2. Mistake: Suppressing a Runny Nose and Cough
A runny nose and a persistent cough are the body’s natural mechanisms for cleansing the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Unfortunately, many reach for cold and cough suppressants at the first sign of discomfort. While these remedies may provide temporary relief, they also hinder the body’s natural defense response, leading to potential intoxication and placing additional strain on the excretory systems as toxins and dead bacteria are retained instead of expelled.

  • Solution: Rather than stifling these symptoms, assist your body in clearing the mucus and toxins more efficiently. Drink plenty of warm Coral water, ideally mixed with 1 teaspoon per liter, to keep your respiratory system hydrated and functioning smoothly. Supplements like Assimilator and tea with Licorice root can help convert a dry, irritating cough into a productive one, facilitating mucus expulsion. If fever strikes, consider the Protiviti amino acid complex to support your body’s natural thermoregulation.

3. Mistake: Consuming Meat, Sweets, and Dairy During Illness
When battling a cold or virus, the last thing your body needs is a heavy load of animal protein, sugars, or dairy products. These foods can thicken the blood, slow circulation, and hinder the elimination of toxins, creating a fertile environment for the growth of pathogens and the progression of infection. During the initial days of illness, when appetite often wanes, it’s particularly unwise to force oneself to eat these foods, as they can exacerbate the body’s burden rather than alleviate it.

  • Solution: Lighten the load on your digestive system by opting for a vegetarian diet or fasting if your appetite is minimal. Focus on hydration, especially with warm alkaline water such as Coral Mine, enhanced with Microhydrin or H-500, to flush out toxins and support your body’s natural healing process.

4. Mistake: Reducing a Fever Below 39 Degrees Celsius

A fever is not an enemy but a vital component of the immune system’s response to infection. Lowering a fever prematurely can disrupt this natural defense, potentially allowing an acute illness to morph into a chronic condition. By suppressing the body’s heat response, we inadvertently prolong the illness and may open the door to complications.

  • Solution: Instead of immediately reaching for fever-reducing medications, aid your body’s thermoregulation by drinking half a cup of hot alkaline water (such as Coral Calcium, Hydrocel, Microhydrogen, H500, or Licorice) every hour. If necessary, use the Protiviti complex to naturally support temperature regulation without completely stifling the fever.

5. Mistake: Neglecting to Restore the Body’s Defenses After the Acute Phase
Once the most intense symptoms subside, it’s tempting to assume the danger has passed. However, this period of recovery is critical. The body’s defenses are weakened, and this vulnerability can allow dormant bacteria or new infections to take hold, leading to chronic conditions or the emergence of new health issues.

  • Solution: Take proactive steps to rebuild your immune defenses and restore balance within your body. Continue to drink warm Coral Mine water and incorporate restorative supplements like Aloemannan, Colostrum, or Lucerne, which possess anti-inflammatory and healing properties. To combat lingering pathogens, consider natural antibiotics such as Ant tree bark, Colloidal silver, or Cat’s claw, which help to weaken and eliminate the remaining harmful organisms.

Finally, remember that frequent illness can sometimes signal a parasitic invasion, which further depletes the body’s resources. To prevent recurring infections, it is advisable to undergo a parasitic cleanse with natural products 2-4 times a year, ensuring that your body remains resilient and less susceptible to future illnesses.

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