
Colo-Vada Green (set of products)

The product was created for the following benefits:

  • Comprehensive 14-day program for detox and metabolic optimization
  • New version of legendary detox program with changes in cleansing stage
  • Includes Light Mix cocktail rich in dietary fiber and phytonutrients
  • Half of the cocktails in Stage 2 are Light Mix, the other half Colo-Vada Mix
  • Provides gentler program with positive effects on results
  • Supports digestive, excretory, and lymphatic systems
  • Increases energy and performance
  • Improves skin condition
  • Contains phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, and enzymes
  • Easy to use: each portion is in a separate sachet.


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A 14-day comprehensive program that provides a step-by-step detox and optimization of the body’s metabolism.

Colo-Vada Green is a new version of the legendary detox program Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus, with changes in the second stage, Cleansing. We have included Light Mix, a cocktail rich in dietary fiber and phytonutrients from the Colo-Vada Light program. Of the 16 cocktails in Stage 2, half are Light Mix (from Colo-Vada Light), and the other half are Colo-Vada Mix (from Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus). This combination provides a gentler program and has a positive effect on the results.


  • Support for the digestive, excretory and lymphatic systems
  • increases energy and performance,
  • improves condition of one’s skin,
  • Contains: phytonurients, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes,
  • Easy to use: each portion is in a separate sachet.


The program lasts 14 days and consists of 3 stages:


Stage 1: Preparation (7 days)

Active components of the product help normalize the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), correct the vitamin-mineral balance and improve intestinal motility.


Stage 2 - Cleaning (4 days)

The core of this stage consists of powdered Colo-Vada Mix and Light Mix cocktails, with a high dietary fiber content. When consumed, these powders swell in the intenstines, enveloping and removing stagnant contents from the tract, contributing to a thorough detox.


Stage 3: Restoration (3 days)

The final stage focuses on the microflora and intestinal function. Probiotic cultures (bifido and lactobacilli), prebiotics and digestive enzymes help restore the microflora and improve nutrient absorption.


Product contents:



A balanced source of vitamins and minerals that help to compensate for the lack of healthy nutrients and optimize the metabolism.



Contains ascorbic acid, citrus flavonoids, and rose hip extract. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant and activates the body’s defense functions.



A balanced complex of 12 digestive enzymes. Promotes a better breakdown and absorption of nutrients.



A mild laxative of plant origin based on Cascara Sagrada bark powder. Will help increase intestinal peristalsis and form regular soft stools.



Black walnut leaves contain the substance juglone, which will help reduce intestinal discomfort, improve stool and protect the GI tract from parasites.



A plant source of protein, vitamins, minerals. Supports normal gastrointestinal function and increases energy.



The combination of burdock root, garlic, red clover, ginger root, milk thistle seeds, sage root and raspberry leaves. Strengthens intestinal peristalsis, supports the liver and digestive system in general.



Sources of insoluble and soluble dietary fiber from the seeds and husks of plantain seeds, flax seeds, prunes and other berries, vegetables and fruits. They help cleanse the bowels and improve stools.



A balanced combination of probiotics contributes to the growth of healthy bacteria and restore intestinal flora.

Read instructions prior to beginning your course. Course duration - 14 days.
Individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult a specialist before use. People with thyroid disorders and those taking iodine medication should consult an endocrinologist.